Plesk: How many ColdFusion sites?

A customer asked how many ColdFusion sites they had on their Plesk server. Ordinarily, the following query would make this easy to answer:

# mysql psa -e "select count(*) as 'Coldfusion Enabled' from hosting where coldfusion = 'true'"
| Coldfusion Enabled |
|                159 |

In their case, however, they had ColdFusion support enabled for all sites, so we needed to find out how many domains actually had ColdFusion content. Here’s a quick&dirty one-liner:

# find /var/www/vhosts/ -type f | grep -i "\.cfm" | cut -d/ -f5 | sort | uniq | wc -l

Plesk: Finding large log files

I get this kind of problem every day: “We’ve run out of disc space on our Plesk server – what’s taking up all the space?” The answer, almost every time, is “logs.” Plesk doesn’t enable log rotation by default, so logs can end up taking a lot of space.

Here’s something I cooked up to list the size of each domain’s log directory:

Continue reading “Plesk: Finding large log files”